Children and adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often struggle to fit in and achieve their potential. If you or your child has ADHD symptoms, Elena Gherman, MD, at Full Moon Behavioral in San Antonio, Texas, can help. Dr. Gherman is a board-certified psychiatrist with extensive experience helping those with ADHD lead happier, more fulfilled lives. Call Full Moon Behavioral today or book an in-person or telemedicine appointment online for exceptional ADHD care.

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What is ADHD?

ADHD is a developmental disorder that affects someone’s ability to concentrate and regulate their behavior. It develops during childhood, but many children don’t receive a diagnosis until they’re much older.

Without expert treatment, ADHD adversely affects your quality of life. Having ADHD makes it far more challenging to do well at school or work, causes difficulties in making and keeping friends, reduces self-esteem, and results in underachievement in many areas of life.

What symptoms indicate someone has ADHD?

ADHD symptoms fit into three categories — hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and inattentiveness. Some children only exhibit hyperactive behaviors, while others only have inattentive symptoms, but it’s possible to experience any combination.

ADHD symptoms in children include:

  • Difficulties focusing at school
  • Not seeming to listen
  • Problems following instructions
  • Not finishing schoolwork
  • Losing belongings like toys and homework
  • Forgetting everyday tasks
  • Getting lost in daydreams
  • Fidgeting and squirming
  • Continually running and playing
  • Inability to sit still in class
  • Talking too much
  • Unable to wait their turn
  • Acting without thinking

Adult ADHD symptoms develop from these childhood problems and may improve or worsen with age. Impulsiveness can lead to reckless, self-destructive behaviors, and adults often have poor planning and time management skills, miss deadlines, struggle with multitasking, and are frequently late.

People with ADHD typically become easily frustrated, suffer from mood swings and irritability, and lack stress management skills.

To provide you or your child with the most effective ADHD treatment, Dr. Gherman performs a comprehensive assessment before making any recommendations.

What treatments are available for ADHD?

ADHD treatment combines medication and behavioral therapy. Drugs (typically stimulants, although alternatives are available) help you regulate your behaviors and impulses. They increase activity in the area of your brain that controls mood and behavior, freeing you from ADHD’s most severe effects.

Behavioral therapy helps you see things in a different light so you act on accurate information instead of jumping to conclusions and getting angry. Some people do well with behavioral therapy alone, while others do best to combine therapy with medication.

Full Moon Behavioral promotes holistic, integrated treatment, so Dr. Gherman offers advice on dietary changes, managing stress, exercising, and other interventions that help with ADHD. She can also treat you or your child for conditions like depression and anxiety that often develop alongside ADHD.

Call Full Moon Behavioral today or book an appointment online to arrange a thorough ADHD evaluation.